Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Photo of the week January 30th, 2013

Another beautiful West African morning sky... the beauty catches our eye and takes our breath away. These skies are free to all who care to look at them - to all who take the time to glance upwards and to pause for a magnificent moment appreciating the natural beauty that we are all granted each day. However, this is also a beautiful sky under which to fall sick and even die. Each day people are falling sick, and even dying, unnecessarily, under our beautiful skies - simply because of a widespread lack of basic health education - even in relation to what is available to all. Knowing how to prevent disease is important, as is knowing what is available to all citizens. Did you know that in Ghana 'since 1st July 2008, all pregnant women not currently registered with the NHIS, may benefit from the following:

a) Exemption from payment of the NHIS premium

b) Exemption from payment of the registration charge

c) Waiving of the waiting period between registration and accessing services

d) any woman who presents at an accredited health facility with a pregnancy-related complication resulting in, or arising from, miscarriage or abortion will be entitled to the same benefits

e) any woman who, having delivered at home or in an unaccredited health facility, and who subsequently presents at an accredited health facility with post-partum complications during the six week post-natal period will be registered.'

This is a positive position, but it is not as well known as it should be. Such information reaching the people in need may save their lives and it certainly should improve conditions for many women. As you look at the sky, remember we all share it, and would be even better if we were to all share the same knowledge regarding health matters and access to health care.

Photo courtesy of Medicine on the Move

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