Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Photo of the week Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Of the hundred or so aerial shots, shown here over the past couple of years, the 'six barge push' on the Lake Volta, by VLTC, is amongst the most spectacular The Volta Lake has an estimated 8,000 km coastline (remember it grows and shrinks, based on the season and associated water levels), and is currently massively underutilised. Transport by lake is merely one third of cost of the equivalent road transport, and offers less damage, especially for agricultural and certain bulkier commodities - as well as reducing wear, tear and congestion on the highways. Plans are approved to grow Lake traffic, and with it enable more the rural people and developments. It is heartening to hear that in the near future there will be upto fourteen active lake ports, with regular crossings, opening up trade and accessibility opportunities for the rural people working in the bread basket of this country. Based on the current four-year development plan, the inland waterway transport corridor will provide dynamic North-South transport solutions as well as linking communities from the central 'overseas' portions of Ghana to the Eastern Corridor. Aerial Photography by WAASPS Ltd. Photo Courtesy of Volta Lake Transport Company Tel: 034 302 0085

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